fit - sante

Charmez vos papilles!

Avec la gamme Fit-Santé



a bunch of nuts on a white surface



érable & poivre

a pile of green herbs on a white plate
assaisonnement etable et poudre



a bowl of dried grass on a table
fit santa's green tea powder on a white plate

Fenouil Entier

Épice Tex Mex

fennel seeds on a white plate
epic tex mex powder

Épice merguez

Paprika Fume - Espagnol - Hongrois - Doux

a pile of red chili powder on a white background
paprika fume paprika fume paprika fume paprika fume paprika fume

Épice Pilaf

Assaisonnement à pâtes

a white plate with a plate of spice pilaf on it
a mixture of herbs with the words assassination and rate

Thym Entier

- Zaatar (Thym à pizza) - Moulu

Tandoori Masala

a pile of green powder on a wooden table
a pile of red powder on top of a piece of paper
a pile of dried leaves on a wooden table

Assaisonnement suprême

Clous de girofle

assassinment supreme powder
a white plate with cinnamon and cloves on it


Herbes Fines

a pile of red powder on a white plate
herbs fines on a white plate

Herbes Italiennes

7 Épices libanaises

herbs italianes on a white plate
7 spices libanaise made in canada

Poudre D’Oignon

Oignons Émincés

a white plate with a white powder on it
a plate of oignons emignons on a white plate

Sel d’oignon

Coriandre Entière -Moulue

a white plate with some sand and a sign on it
chia seeds on a white plate
a bowl of brown powder in a white bowl

Sel de céleri

Safran Moulu & Entier

a brown powder on a white plate
saffron powder and dried saffron in a bowl

Raz Al Hanout

Poivre Blanc - Noir

a pile of brown powder on a wooden table
a pile of brown powder on top of a wooden table
a pile of sand on a white plate

Poivre Jamaïcain

Poivre De Penja

a pile of brown soil on a white background
two pictures of black pepper powder on a white plate
chinese black pepper powder

Piment de Cayenne


a pile of red powder on a wooden table
a bunch of blackberries in a plastic bag

Origan Moulu

Muscade Moulue

a pile of green powder on a wooden table
cocoa powder on a wooden table

Mélange 4 épices moulus

Feuilles De Laurier

a pile of dirt on a wooden table
a bunch of leaves with the words feuilles de laurette written on them

Laurier Moulu

Gingembre Poudre

a pile of green powder on a cutting board
a pile of brown powder on top of a wooden cutting board

Épices Shish Taouk

Épices Provençales

a pile of sand on a wooden table
a pile of dried herbs on a white background

Épices Piri-Piri

Épices Passe Partout

a pile of red chili powder on a wooden table
a pile of herbs and spices on a white surface

Épices Jamaïcaine Jerk

Épices grecque

a pile of brown powder on top of a wooden table
a pile of herbs and spices on a wooden cutting board

5 Épices chinoises

Épices Fruits De Mer & Poisson

a pile of brown powder on a wooden table
a pile of herbs and spices on a wooden cutting board

Épices BBQ

Épices Volailles

a pile of red chili powder on a cutting board
a pile of green powder on a wooden surface

Épices à Steak

Bouquet Garni

a pile of spices on a wooden cutting board
a pile of herbs and spices on a table

Épices à Spaghetti

Carvi Moulu

a pile of spices on a table with the words epices spaghettitti fit - sante
a brown powder on a white background

Cari de Madras Moulu / Cari Kashmiri / Cari Doux

Cannelle Moulu

three different types of spices on a plate
cocoa powder on top of a wooden table

Basilic Broyé

Anis Étoilé - Entier - Moulu

a pile of herbs on a white plate
star anise seeds on a wooden table
a pile of green powder on a wooden table

Ail en Grain - Émincé - Poudre

Épices à Salade Sans Sel & m.s.g

epic salade sans sel sans ms msg
a pile of toasted sesame seeds on a wooden surface

Épices à Paella

Épices à Marinade

a pile of dried herbs on top of a piece of paper
a pile of herbs and spices on a wooden cutting board

Épices Kebab

Épices à Couscous

a pile of dried herbs on top of a wooden cutting board

Épices à Chawarma Bœuf

Épices Curcuma

a bowl of brown powder on a white plate
tumeric powder on a plate next to a bottle of tumeric

Curcuma racines

Cumin Moulu & Entier

curcumin racines entrées on a white plate
a bag of seeds with the words cumm enterer on it

Clou de Girofle Moulu

Chili Mexicain

cocoa powder on a white plate
a pile of red chili powder on a wooden table



a white powder on a blue plate with the words attendisseur de vienna faite a partie de papapine
shredded coconut on a white plate



a pile of yellow powder with the word fit - sante on it
a bag of powder with the words melage pour sauce poutine



fenugreek seeds in a bowl with a label on it
fenugree powder bio


a pile of seasoning on a white plate