l'avenue du vrac 2019





brazil nuts on a white plate

Baies De Goji


Fraises séchées


a pile of dried goji berries on a table
dried apricots on a white plate

Gingembres confits


Mélange Aloe vera


a white plate with slices of mangoes on it
a white plate with fruit and nuts on it

Pruneau dénoyauté


Canneberges séchées


dried plums on a white plate
canneberge schie - vitamines et vitamines et vitamines et vitamines et

Cerises séchées


Mélange ananas & papaye


a pile of dried raisins on a white plate
a white plate with orange pieces on it

Papaye entière


Mangue séchée


a plate of dried carrots on a white plate
a plate of orange slices on a table

Pacanes jumbo


Noix De Grenoble


a pile of pecans on a white plate
a plate of walnuts on a white plate

Noisettes Crues


Maïs rôti Salé


nuts on a cutting board with the words noisettes crues
roasted corn on a white plate

Maïs rôti Salé BBQ


Amandes tamari


roasted chickpeas on a white plate
almonds on a white plate

Amandes rôties à sec sans sel


Amande nature


five almonds are sitting on a white plate
almonds on a white plate on a table

Pomme déshydratée


Mélange Chocolat café


cinnaines pommes des déshydrateurs
fit sante chocolates - 100g

Morceaux Keto Choco Noir, Pacanes, Amandes &

Graines De Chanvre


Amande enrobée chocolat noir


a plate of chocolate covered nuts with the words fit sante on it
chocolate covered almonds on a white plate

Canneberge enrobée chocolat noir


Café enrobé chocolat noir


a plate of chocolate covered coffee beans on a table
chocolate covered coffee beans on a white plate

Raisin enrobé chocolat noir


Amande enrobé de matcha


raisin enrobes chocolate noir
green almonds on a white plate



Garniture à salade


a plate with pistachios on it
a bowl of mixed nuts and seeds on a white plate

Abricot séché bio


Bleuets cultivés séchées


dried apricots in a glass jar
a plate of dried cherries with the word fit sante on it

Dattes à pâtisserie sans noyau




dried apricots and raisins on a white plate

Raisins doré, sultana & Thompson


Mélange des bois


a plate with raisins, nuts, and a box
a bowl of mixed fruit and nuts on a table

Melange Spicy


Morceaux Ceto Noix De Coco, Graines De citrouille,

Graines De Tournesol &

Graines De Chanvre


a plate with a sign that says fit sante
a plate of granola with seeds and nuts on it


a plate of dried leaves on a wooden table